How a General Ledger Works With Double-Entry Accounting Along With Examples

double entry bookkeeping definition

There are recorded instances of double entry bookkeeping from as far back as 70 A.D. If you debit a cash asset account for $100, it indicates you add the money to the account, and if you credit it for $100, it indicates you subtract that money from the account. Rules of debit and credit are also used in doing ledger entries and making t-shaped accounts.

double entry bookkeeping definition

Recording transactions this way provides you with a detailed, comprehensive view of your financials—one that you couldn’t get using simpler systems like single-entry. In this article, we’ll explain double-entry accounting as simply as we can, how it differs from single-entry, and why any of this matters for your business. Accurate bookkeeping is central to every small business’s success—including yours. Knowing exactly where you stand financially helps you make smart business choices to improve profits while trimming costs.

Double-entry accounting example

In this instance, one asset account (cash) is increased by $200, while another asset account (accounts receivable) is reduced by $200. The net result is that both the increase and the decrease only affect one side of the accounting equation. For a sole proprietorship, single-entry accounting can be sufficient, but if you expect your business to keep growing, it’s a good idea to master double-entry accounting now. Double-entry accounting will allow you to have a deeper understanding of your company’s financial health, quickly catch accounting mistakes, and share a snapshot of your business with investors.

Most modern accounting software has double-entry concepts already built in. Double-entry bookkeeping was developed in the mercantile period of Europe to help rationalize commercial transactions and make trade more efficient. Some thinkers have argued that double-entry accounting was a key calculative technology responsible for the birth of capitalism. Financial reporting aids in decision-making by ensuring that the process of generating financial statements is reliable, dependable, accurate, and can track errors.

Double-Entry Accounting

But if you have more than a handful of those, and more than one employee, double-entry bookkeeping is the way to go. Double-entry bookkeeping will let you see all of the money coming in and all of the money that’s going out. Being able to see both sides of your financial transactions allows you to do a side-by-side comparison of credits against debits, helping to spot any discrepancies.

double entry bookkeeping definition

If the amounts don’t balance, there’s an accounting error somewhere in your records. You can dive in and find it before the issue blossoms into a financial crisis. The software lets a business create custom accounts, like a “technology expense” account to record purchases of computers, printers, cell phones, etc. You can also connect your business bank account to make recording transactions easier. An example of double-entry accounting would be if a business took out a $10,000 loan and the loan was recorded in both the debit account and the credit account.

Single-entry vs. double-entry accounting

Actually, it has been used for more than 500 years, tracing it back to the merchants of Venice, and still remains relevant. This guide will provide you with all you need to know about how it is used, and why it works as an accounting system. Double-entry provides a more complete, three-dimensional view of your finances than the single-entry method ever could. “It was just a whole revolution in the way of thinking about business and trade,” writes Jane Gleeson-White of the popularization of double-entry accounting in her book Double Entry.

Alongside your income statement and cash flow statement, it gives you, your accountant, and your financial investors a well-rounded snapshot of your business’s financial health. Per our example above, selling your fabric increases your revenue and decreases your inventory amount. So to record the sale, you would enter the amount as a debit under an asset account and a credit under an expense account.

This will give you room to place the account type at the top of the T while creating a left side and right side for your corresponding debit and credit entries. If the company pays its monthly rent of $2,000, a credit entry of $2,000 will be recorded in its Cash account and a $2,000 debit entry will be recorded in its Rent Expense account. At least one account will have an amount entered as a debit and at least one account will have an amount entered as a credit. Further, the total amounts entered as debits must be equal to the total amounts entered as credits. Meeting these requirements will result in the accounting or bookkeeping equation being in balance at all times.

It depends on the type of business you run, how many employees you have, and how many transactions you need to track. Let’s start with single-entry bookkeeping.Picture a running total of your checking account, and you’ve almost got it. Essentially, it tracks deposits and purchases, and then the difference between those two is your cash on hand. Single-entry bookkeeping works for very small businesses with very small amounts of transactions.

What Is Double Entry?

The choice of single and double-entry accounting depends on the complexity of the business transactions and the financial reporting requirements. Business transactions are recorded in the general ledger using the double-entry bookkeeping system. Transactions are classified into account categories, ensuring the financial data is systematically organized. A debit is a recorded entry on the left-hand side of your account, while a credit is a recorded entry on the right-hand side of an account. Some hold to the preconceived notion that debits are always bad, and credits are always good. However, debits and credits are neither good nor bad in double-entry bookkeeping.

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